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CSI-12 is 1 phase smart meter AMI for individual, comercial, and industrial purpose. using DLMS/COSEM protocol and able to communicate with HES through many uplink technology. CSI-12 also provide local communication ports and ???

CSI-12 is meets SPLN D3.007:2021 standard. That equipped with anti-tamper mechanism that will noted and report all kind of tamper that had been detected. able to record electrical load, EOB, etc. automatically. With super-capcitor and external battery LCD display able to function normally in power off condition.


  • LCD display;
  • Dual circuit measurment;
  • Changeable uplink communication (GPRS, HPLC, and RF);
  • Ports for local communication (Fiber-Optic NIR and RS485);
  • Kontrol relai(???);
  • Anti-tamper mechanism with tamper log and event log;
  • Memuat profil, profil instan dan profil EOB(???).